Monday 18 April 2011

Magazine Front Cover Draft Design

I have created this draft design for my front page of my magazine from idea's collated from a variety of previous NME front covers. I have decided to use a photograph to create the main background of my front cover, this means that my photograph of the band will have to be striking and define my key demographic to entice the reader. 
I will put the title of my magazine at the top of the page as this is how most magazines set out their front pages. As a magazine trying to establish itself in a market I think it is important to make the title memorable, in a font and with a name that iseasily recognisable. 
My band name will mirror the title, it will remain central and in a large font, this is important as this band will be the main feature of the magazine.
I realise that my magazine front cover will be simple and may look quite bare but I think this stylsed, minimalist way of working appeals to our target audience. I am keeping text, short and concise and featuring with a large photograph (which we know from our questionarre is popular.) I think with the correct photograph and appropriate colours this could be a really effective front cover.

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